Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Arriving to Barcelona

Ok, so basically I arrived to Barcelona on the 6th January... and you're thinking... "well thats a long time to take from actually getting there and starting to write the blog!"

Unfortunately, when I arrived, I had some exams to write until the 21st January and it was all studying until then... and the day after, i started my wonderful honors project entitled
"Recognition by NKT cells of aGalCer analogues presented by CD1d "

I am now 1 week and half into the project (or at least getting the hang of where the things are in the lab and so on) and am on my way to writing my fantastic introductory essay (bohooo! lots of reading involved) :(

In any case, too much detail for an introductory post to my new blog! Im gonna start from the beginning now!

I came to barcelona in ERASMUS for my last semester in my undergrad degree. And the project is being done at the UAB (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) which is somehow not very near to Barcelona centre!

I am living in a nice big house in a small town near the university called Cerdanyola del Vallés, very nice! my room is very nice and big, with a lot of space (for my own "happiness") and lot of light!

So this was my room on the 1st day I arrived and after cleaning it a bit! =) now its a bit different, with some pictures on the walls and stuff!

I came here with TonTon! My best friend from Uni, and she is also living in the same house, which makes it all a lot more fun!=) We are also sharing the flat with a couple of italians, very nice guys! (I shall post some pictures of them when I actually take pics of them) and for a week a German guy was also here, but left as his time in Barcelona was coming to an end.

My supervisor is a cool guy (I can consider myself lucky!) he has been very comprehensive and helpful ever since the start of my time here, and he is a lot of fun tooo! Ill also post a picture of him here when I have the time. And the technician (Pepi) is a huge laugh as well! she only speaks spanish, which makes it interesting for me to actually understand anything she says, but i kinda manage to do it (God know how!).

A peculiarity of this spanish town : people actually take out the "siesta" from 1pm until 5 pm all stores (in Cerdanyola) are closed!!! well, at least they are open after 5pm, so when i leave the lab ill be able to actually go somewhere and shop!:P yeye! (unlike the UK!)

I think I should stop for now! I will write soon enough about TonTon's Bday and Our trip to Barcelona on a Sunday! (Bad idea to go shopping in BCN onn a sunday! All is closed:S but we had fun!!!=))

Bye... for now!

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