Sunday, February 17, 2008

A trip to Barcelona City

So yesterday we (Tonia and I) decided to go (yet again) to Barcelona...

But first we went by the university as I had to check on some cells [3 out of many were contaminated - Boohooo!:( ]

anyway, we took the FGC (a type of train) from the UAB (uni) to Plaza Catalunya to meet up with my great friend Amelia (funny picture with crappy definition of her taken yesterday with my phone + prettier picture of us last summer)

When Tonia and I went to the FGC, there was a train comming, the one for our destination! So we rant to buy the tickets, but the machine wasnt colaborating... (Oh Crap!)... So we lost the train...

then we passed the tickets by the stupid machines and went in... only to realize the train we wanted to catch was not the one that had just passed...

In the words of Tonia "it was a message of God, for the machines not to work, so that we didn't catch the wrong train!" Very wise, I must say...

So as we had already gone in the wrong side of the tracks and paid the bloody ticket, we were then trying to determine what to do (as we needed to be on the other side - in theory we had to go back out, pay for a new ticket and go back in on the other side)
Off course that was NOT what we did... we simply went across the railway to the other side - no harm done :) - with a lot of care off course... But seriously, it was too damn funny! And below, is the picture showing the steps we had to climb to actually get into the platform on the other side (and me "attached") hehehe

When we finally arrived to Barcelona, we met up with Amelia and went around the "ciutat Vella" and "barri Gotic" where all the shops are (Yey! more shopping!)
Anyway, sometime in the middle, we stopped 'Cuz Amelia found a friend... and just picture exactly where I stopped.. (clue: Look on the picture) Yup, that right, right under one of those huge tubes the construction workers use to send rocks and trash and whatever else down... Nice!

Anyway, we continued going around, searching for some things Tonia wanted to buy (not specified, but very interesting ones)

And we came across some very interesting shop displays (typical of the wierd Catalan "culture")
here are some shots...

Then we just went to Amelias' and had a nice Pizza and Movies evening, with some fun attached!=)
A nice saturday afternoon - more to come soon!=)

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